San Li Tun, Dong 6 Jie 1 100600 BEIJING
No. 157-4/2018
Date: 25 April 2018
Pursuant to the Directive on Procurement in Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts of the Republic of Serbia No. 716/GS of 20 May 2013, Instruction on Conducting Procurement in DCMs of the Republic of Serbia Abroad No. 716-2/GS of 3 July 2013 and the Decision on Commencement of Contract Awarding Process No. 157/2018 of 23 April 2018, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Beijing publishes
Subject of procurement
The subject of the procurement are works on the design and execution of construction works to alter the structural concept of the building for the purposes of the Cultural Center of the Republic of Serbia in Beijing, People's Republic of China
Description of the subject of procurement
Pursuant to the Decision on Commencement of Contract Awarding Process No. 157/2018 of 23 April 2018, for the procurement of works on the on the design and execution of construction works to alter the structural concept of the building for the purposes of the Cultural Center of the Republic of Serbia in Beijing, People's Republic of China, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Beijing invites bidders to submit their bids in writing and in accordance with the tender documents.
All bids must be entirely prepared in accordance with the tender documents.
The tender documents required for the submission of bids in writing can be collected from the web page of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Beijing: http ://www.beijing.mfa. gov.rs
All information is available at: 6532 1562
Due date, place, time and manner of bid submission
All bids received by the Contracting Authority prior to 17 May 2018 by 14.00 shall be deemed timely.
The Bidder shall submit the bid in a closed envelope in person or by mail delivered to the Contracting Authority's address:
San Li Tun, Dong 6 Jie 1 100600 BEIJING
The subject of the procurement should be indicated on the envelope: Procurement Bid -Procurement of works on the design and execution of construction works to alter the structural concept of the building for the purposes of the Cultural Center of the Republic of Serbia in Bejing, People's Republic of China No. 02/2018
The envelope or the box containing the bid must have the following words written on its front: "BID - DO NOT OPEN", with the Bidder's full name, address, telephone number and contact person at the back.
A bid which has not been received by the Contracting Authority within the indicated time-limit, regardless of the manner of delivery, shall be deemed untimely. Once the procedure of opening bids is over, the Authority's Procurement Commission shall return all untimely bids unopened to the bidders, with the note that they have not been received in time.
Criteria and criterion elements for selecting the best bid
The decision on awarding the contract for the procurement of works shall be made on the basis of the lowest offered price criterion, provided that the bid fulfils all the Authority's requirements and mandatory conditions set forth in the tender documents.
Opening of bids by the Commission (time and place)
Opening of bids shall take place after the due date for submitting bids has expired, i.e. on the day of 17 May 2018, commencing at 14.00., in the offices of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Beijing, People's Republic of China, San Li Tun, Dong 6 Jie 1 100600 BEIJING The Contracting Authority's Commission shall prepare a report on the expert assessment of bids within 10 days from the date of bids opening.
The Commission shall draw up a draft decision on contract awarding within 10 days from the date of bids opening.
Deadline for concluding a contract:
The contract with the selected Bidder shall be concluded within 10 days from the date of making the decision on contract awarding.
Contact person:
Contact person in the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Beijing is Ms. Zhao Changjing at tel: 6532 1562 or e-mail: embserbia@embserbia.cn
To download the Preliminary Design for Adaptation of the Building for the Culture Center of Serbia, click here
To download Amendment to the Preliminary Design to Adaptation of the Building for the Culture Centre of serbia, click here
To download TENDER DOCUMENTS, click here
1.Questions on drawing and design, click here
1.Answers on drawing and design, click here
2. Questions on drawing and design, click here
2. Answers on drawing and design, click here