On 7th July 2017, the Beijing City Theater premiered the play "Lady with the Camellias" of the ensemble of the Serbia National Theatre, directed by Jug Radivojevic. Realized within the Cultural season China-CEEC 2017, this year's performance of the National Theatre has been in the same time the first stage performance in the history of our oldest theatre that has been seen by the Chinese audience.
Chinese host, the director of the Beijing Capital Theatre, Mr. Ding Lijun called for more intensive cooperation with theatres from Serbia with the aim of more dynamic people-to-people exchanges and better mutual understanding in which cultural cooperation plays a major role. Z. Hubac, drama director, has expressed the expectations to welcome in return Chinese ensemble, especially considering that next year the National Theatre will celebrate 150th anniversary.
The play "Lady with the Camellias" in Beijing, during a three-day staging, has been seen by more than 3,000 Beijingers.