(Beijing, 17 September 2012) Diplomatic football tournament "Milu Cup 2012" was held in Beijing on 16 September 2012, in the honor of the famous Serbian football coach Bora Milutinović. "Milu Cup", held in the presence of the Chinese media, the diplomatic corps, Serbian diaspora and numerous Chinese football fans, has grown into a traditional event, which brings together an increasing number of participants every year. This year's tournament was attended by 23 teams, with players from 30 countries. The fourth "Milu Cup", organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia was won by the "Milu Stars Aspire" team, led by our famous coach. Second place went to the team of the Chinese State Committee for Sport and third place was won by the team of the Embassy of Serbia. Charge d' Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, Tatjana Panajotović Cvetković and CEO of China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC), sponsor of this year's, "Milu Cup" awarded the winners with the trophies.